
Webmastering made easy!
Updating Pages
The old way:
- Using your web authoring software, locate the page to be updated, and edit it. Take care to ensure that your changes are consistent with your design and compatible with the many different browsers out there.
- FTP your pages and files up to the webserver, and place them in the correct folders.
The ExSite way:
- Go to your webpage, and click on the update button. Enter your changes right into the browser.
- Click "publish" to make the changes public.
Changing Your Web Design
The old way:
- Develop your new web design, using web authoring or design software, or by contracting out to a graphic designer.
- Make a copy of every page on your website, and carefully delete the old graphic design elements without deleting the actual content.
- Paste in your new graphic design elements carefully around the content.
- If necessary, reconfigure your menus on every page to conform to the new design.
- FTP your new pages and graphics up to the webserver, and place them in the correct folders.
The ExSite Way:
- Pick your new design from the list of available designs.
- Click "publish" to make the changes public.
Adding Dynamic Content
The old way:
- Write an RFP document specifying your needs in a form that web programmers can understand, and give it out to some web developers to get quotes.
- Write a big fat check to the developers with the best quote to start them working on the project.
- Wait.
- After a while, consult with your developers to see how they are doing. Realize that they are doing some things completely wrong, because the specs were not clear to begin with. Clarify those specs.
- Wait some more.
- When the developers finally deliver a working web application, continue working with them for a while to refine and debug it.
- Write another big fat check once the final code is delivered.
- Install the code on your website. Hope that the code runs on your webserver the same way it ran on the web developers' computers.
The ExSite way:
- Pick the dynamic web applications you want on your site from the list of available ones.
- On the page that should deliver the dynamic content, insert the web application, just as you would insert a photo.
Creating a website
The old way:
- Learn to write HTML, or purchase a program that will do it for you.
- Configure your pages on your PC.
- Set up an account with an ISP that offers web hosting.
- If you have your own domain, configure the DNS records for that domain to point to your ISP.
- FTP your pages and files up to the webserver, and place them in the correct folders.
The ExSite way:
- Goto ExsiteWebware.com and click on the button to make a new website. Your account, pages, and URL will automatically be set up for you.